Your reviews around here have been really helpful - good reviews make NG stand out compared to so many other sites where people don't take the time to say more than a few words. You've also weighed in on a lot of site matters with thoughtful input over the years and that has been greatly appreciated! I hope life is going ok and hope you still manage to pop in once in a while - don't feel pressure to put in time here above more pressing life stuff though.
Hey Vert, I remember you taking the time to write out a lengthy review on one of my earliest cartoons (unfortunately it doesn't exist anymore, since I was embarrassed of the toon lol) but you provided genuine feedback to a person just starting out and didn't have to, and I remembered that. I believe that was in 2013. Because of that I was able to improve, and I made several cartoons which led to me being able to go to Pico Day and meeting so many awesome people in the Newgrounds community.
Being around is better than not, no matter how little of an impact you think you may have on the world. So I hope you're able to stick around.
Thanks for that! I really appreciate you taking the time to reach out like that, it definitely makes me feel much happier that I may have had a positive impact like that. I do, in fact, remember leaving a review for a movie of yours (your name, for one thing, is far too memorable).
And per the above, I'll see what is possible.