"You can know the name of a bird in all the languages of the world, but when you're finished, you'll know absolutely nothing whatever about the bird... So let's look at the bird and see what it's doing - that's what counts." Richard Feynman.

Age 42, Male

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Posted by Vert - January 28th, 2010

Random poetry, from across time.

There is a hidden part of me,
Dug very deep into my core,
That lead me to pain and agony,
And forced me to implore,
Myself, to forget.

Be it consciously or not,
A part of me was changed,
And through the years I forgot,
And because of this, estranged,
I was of myself.

And yet fate sometimes pity keeps,
For a poor soul such as mine,
And such this week I stood and reaped,
More than I could ever pine,
When I found your game.

It touched me to my very soul,
And allowed me to remember,
That hidden part of my whole,
That from me I nearly rendered,
And had made me incomplete.

It did this with it's heart,
Larger than I could dream,
And allowed me to go and thwart,
My cynicism and the screams,
Of the pain I once had.

Its lovely art,
Its lovely truth,
Its lovely story,
Its lovely music,
Its lovely creativity,
Its lovely pureness,
Its lovely characters,

Its lovely ideal.

Its lovely hope.

And so I must extend my thanks,
To all those who touched this game,
For you have, and I must be frank,
Given back the most precious flame,
Of hope.

For J. B.

Jesting, I look, at the puzzles and jigsaw,
Outwardly obvious, I look again, as if Calvino,
Not obvious anymore, the false should dispel,
And I cry it does not, truth hidden like a tomb

The conclusion, I surmise, is that it is all pretension,
How else to explain, my failure in multiple strata?
And yet, I stop there, lest I lose my worth,
Not going forward, for such lies, would lead to regret,

But if the end is at first, and of course, vice-versa
Lost from my way, I can only hope for cooperation
Of the one I address, and much I'd forgo
Waiting for the answer, such is my hajJ


Concrete feelings

( ) Look for love
Without cause
( ) Search in vain
Reason lost

( ) Hope is that
It does not die
For this truth is such
( ) Cannot lie


[R]omantic [N]otions
(or how I started loving the bomb)

Sweet smells are about, and here
That burning feeling comes
And all is forgiven, in a flash
No more evil, for 'tis undone

Live life renewed after this
Even if ere there was calm
You know that dullness is a curse, and
Knowledge can be harm


[P]ublic Service

Ask carefully to Death: "Where?"
Swiftly he answers: DESPAIR, AS

No answer I pray!
This truth I now hold
Efface from my mould!



I climb up to hell
And fall back to heaven
Betrayed by myself
Blind to the future


Trolls are welcome. Maybe.

In other news, ever notice how 1998 was <the> year for video games?

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1998_in_v ideo_gaming

Random stuff:

Original, embaixo a traducao:

Mais uma vez
Once again
A natureza revela toda sua sabedoria
Nature reveals all its wisdom
Fomos buscas inspiracao
We seek our inspiration
Num dos animais mais majestosos que Deus foi capaz de criar
In one of the most majestic animals that God has created
A aguia
The Eagle
Dentre todas as aves
Among all birds
A aguia eh que possui a maior longevidade
The Eagle is the one with the greatest life span
Podendo chegar ate os 70 anos
Reaching up to 70 years of age
Mas, para chegar a essa idade
But to reach this age
Na metade da sua vida
Halfway through its life
Ela tem que tomar uma seria e dificil decisao
The Eagle must take a hard and serious decision
Isso porque nessa idade
This is because at this age
As suas unhas estao muito compridas e flexiveis
Its nails have become long and flexible
Nao permitindo mais que ela agarre com facilidade,
No longer allowing it to easily grasp,
As presas das quais se alimenta
The prey on which it feeds
O seu bico, alongado e pontiagudo, se curva
Its beak, once long and sharp, bends downwards
As suas penas,
Its feathers
Evenlhecidas e pesadas pela a gordura do tempo
Aged and heavy by the accumulated fat of time
Dificultam o seu voo, tornando o dom natural de voar,
Hinder its flight, making its natural ability to fly,
Uma tarefa quase impossivel
A task almost impossible
Nesse momento, a aguia so tem duas alternativas
At this point, the eagle has only two alternatives
Aceitar a morte
Accept death
Ou enfrentar um dolorido processo de renovacao
Or go through a painful process of renewal
Que ira durar 150 longos dias
That will last a long, 150 days
Aguia RIP
Eagle RIP
Quem vem chegando, voando para ate ajudar
Who's coming along, flying to give a hand
Dando um show, que eh mesmo de arrepiar
What a perfomance, it really tingles your spine
Pra toda encrenca e confusao
For any trouble and confusion
O seu carinho eh a solucao
Their love will always be a solution
Ursinhos carinhosos
Care Bears
Eh soh chamar que eles veem
Give them a call and they'll come
Eh soh chamar que eles veem
Give them a call and they'll come
Ursinhos carinhosos
Care Bears
Sao tao fofinhos, sao do bem
They're so cute, they're good
Nao tenha medo, pois voce pode contar
Don't be afraid 'cause you know you can count on
Com seu carinho toda vez que precisar
Their love for every time you need
Ursinhos carinhosos
Care Bears
5 4 3 2 1
5 4 3 2 1
Os Ursinhos carinhosos
The Care Bears



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