... nope, that zero in the overall is not a mistake. I'm going to divide this review into two parts, one technical, the other explaining my zero. First part: technically, that pretty decent. Some good drawings, nice soundtrack and some good timing (that is, coordination between music and on screen action) surpassed the lack of animation, though the hair in the wind thing was nice. More "action" could improve the movie, especially when the music goes more up-tempo (the “I’m going home part”). Finally, the overall style of the movie was good, though (what I suppose is) the humor part was lacking.
The second part: I don't want to go into much detail, but it's as simple as this: SevenStar linked to a pedophile web page. A pedophile page. I'll say again, one last time: A P E D O P H I L E page, to which, incidentally, he gave no warning that it was as such. That, in my book, deserves much more than the simple deletion of his account, he should considered himself lucky to have gotten away with such alight punishment.
So, by defending SevenStar, be it seriously or not, you are defending someone who linked to a pedophile page. Do you seriously understand just how horrible a thing that is? I stand by Wade's decision of deleting SevenStar, as I think he deserved more.
Some sort of answer would be nice, but not necessary, especially since the given space for reviews and answers is so small. Oh, I'm kindly asking you to refrain from "OMG YOU R TEH L000ZER" answer. I've given a fair opinion on the movie, all I'm asking is for a fair answer.