
208 Movie Reviews

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... wow, that's actually not bad! I mean, it still was a generic stick-fighting movie, but at least it was a "decent" stick-fighting movie. The animation was pretty good, not jerky, it was pretty long (once again, for a stick movie that is), there was some originality in it (the guy with long hair). However, the lack of story / context, the use of a single sound effect, no music and the fact that stick movies have done to death are all big downsides. Work on it though and you could make it to a good movie.


... I'll be honest with you, that had some very impressive (smooth) animation, with lots of attention to detail in the drawings and also possessed real style. Unfortunately, I don't really like rap. To be more accurate, I kind of hate it, although this one was better than most. That is to say, I "managed to endure the music so as to see the pretty pictures". And, to somewhat compound the matter, the lyrics, well, how can I put this nicely... let's just say I disagreed with them. This is the kind of movie I fell bad for giving a score that's not so high, because the graphics are excellent, the music was very well produced, the animation was flawless... but because of my personal tastes, I can't rate it any better.


... pretty funny and, most importantly, featuring that fantastic, classic game, Scorched Earth. I have many fond memories of cut throat duels with my friends playing scorched, so extra points just for that, though I did wish the movie had stuck more to the classic gameplay before going into the silly mode. On technical aspects, pretty nifty, well animated, using simple but effective graphics (as it had to be, after all scorched never had exactly fantastic graphics). The sound was pretty good, except for the song from the final sequence, which, incidentally, was a bit too long. Still, a good solid movie.

TmsT responds:

I reckon Scorch could do with a few mushroom clouds meself... But yeah. A great game, worthy of a movie.


... awe inspiring. You've created a fantastic world, rich and diverse, with incredibly charismatic, interesting characters, which may appear only for a few seconds and yet still have depth. And you tell this story through rich, painstakingly detailed drawings with animation so fluid it can make you're eyes water, coupled with sparse but precisely used music and sound effects that are also of very high quality. You're backgrounds alone are more amazing than some complete animations.
In short, I've used pretty much every single favorable adjective I could possibly come up with whilst reviewing this movie, which is a testament to the amazing talent you posses. I can sincerely say that I hope you continue making flash movies, for you are unrivaled in this world.


... nope, that zero in the overall is not a mistake. I'm going to divide this review into two parts, one technical, the other explaining my zero. First part: technically, that pretty decent. Some good drawings, nice soundtrack and some good timing (that is, coordination between music and on screen action) surpassed the lack of animation, though the hair in the wind thing was nice. More "action" could improve the movie, especially when the music goes more up-tempo (the “I’m going home part”). Finally, the overall style of the movie was good, though (what I suppose is) the humor part was lacking.
The second part: I don't want to go into much detail, but it's as simple as this: SevenStar linked to a pedophile web page. A pedophile page. I'll say again, one last time: A P E D O P H I L E page, to which, incidentally, he gave no warning that it was as such. That, in my book, deserves much more than the simple deletion of his account, he should considered himself lucky to have gotten away with such alight punishment.
So, by defending SevenStar, be it seriously or not, you are defending someone who linked to a pedophile page. Do you seriously understand just how horrible a thing that is? I stand by Wade's decision of deleting SevenStar, as I think he deserved more.
Some sort of answer would be nice, but not necessary, especially since the given space for reviews and answers is so small. Oh, I'm kindly asking you to refrain from "OMG YOU R TEH L000ZER" answer. I've given a fair opinion on the movie, all I'm asking is for a fair answer.

xtil responds:

i love how you SS haters think you're above us somehow and you can tell us what and what not to do.
we own the portal and there's nothing you can do about it.
i don't care about what sevenstar did. i don't care about reviews like this, i don't care about newgrounds.
welcome to the internet - it's a playground, not a beauracracy.
you've gotta learn how to have fun.
but you never will.
keep dishing out those 0's, old buddy old pal.


... well, I absolutely hate every single music you used in that movie, but the animation was so amazingly fluid, using complex characters (!) (i.e. not stick figures), that I couldn't help but give a 5/5 and 9/10. It really was amazing how much expression the characters you managed to put into their movements, they ended up being really life like. I would tell you to do more, but use other types of music next time... =] .


... you've been on a streak lately, every movie you're submitting is good! That was, as always, very funny (less so than the previous one, however, specially the ending, but I guess there was on other way). The extended range of voice acting, on the other hand, was greatly welcomed (I mean that, it sounded much less repetitive this time) and the technical aspects were all sound. I must warn you though, not everyone is reading House of M, so there's bounds to be less people interested than some of your other movies (since they are based on more general knowledge).


... that was, in two words, very funny! No, forget I said that, it was extremely funny! You've got a good sense of humor and I for one haven't gotten tired of seeing the marvel universe being parodied since, like all hero comic books, there full of things to made fun of. Regarding the technical aspects, nice drawing style (you've got a knack at drawing these guys), excellent voice acting, although you should get more people to do it (despite your talent and great recording quality, more variety would help) and, most importantly, great timing on the jokes! Little animation, but then, your style of humor depends of dialogue, not slapstick, so no problems there. All you really need is someone else to help add variety to the voices!


... cara, bom filme. Muito bem desenhado e com boa animacao. Boa utilizacao de sons tambem, tanto o fundo musical como efeito sonoros. Soh tenho duas sugestoes: 1o, tenta fazer outro tipo de filme da proxima vez (existe milhoes de flashes com homens palitos andando de skate); 2o, se for fazer um filme parecido, tente usar outro "angulo de camera", isto eh, ao inves de soh ver o skatista de lado, tente desehar a acao por outros angulos como de frente e diagonal.
Ah, e nao se desencoraja com as criticas ruins que inevitavelmente voce vai receber, todo mundo (desde de os melhores ateh os piores) recebem criticas ruins por aqui.


... unfortunately, this is the type of movie that brings out the worst of some people, who proceed to review the movie and make it evident that they can barely control their own prejudices expressing themselves...
In any case, good movie. First things first, that was completely different from almost anything on Newgrounds, so "extra points" and kudos for creativity and style. Nice animations and drawings, good voice acting, the music, however, was a mixed bunch, some of them seemed out of place, although the intention behind them was clear. So don't be discouraged by the few stupid reviews you're going to get, that happens to everyone on Newgrounds. You have talent and much potential.

"You can know the name of a bird in all the languages of the world, but when you're finished, you'll know absolutely nothing whatever about the bird... So let's look at the bird and see what it's doing - that's what counts." Richard Feynman.

Age 42, Male

Joined on 1/14/03

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