... that was pretty good, but I must make one criticism before the compliments: it was simply too repetitive. The problem lies not with the music, which certainly is repetitive (but not really a problem, since a lot of modern music is and we're all pretty much used to this kind of thing), and instead lies with the repeated use of the same animations, over and over again. It's ok for the first 3/4 of the movie, but afterwards it gets tiresome. My suggestion would be for you to take a look a Walk-Smash-Walk, a movie that is also incredibly repetitive, but thanks to the changing backgrounds and other subtle (or not so subtle) changes, is much more interesting.
Technically, the music was interesting and different, the drawings, whilst simple, where very well animated (and a big kudos by using a filmed sequence from CS and integrating it very well with the movie, even if the quality of the movie was somewhat poor) and it certainly was very well timed (the animation and music), which can be tough to accomplish. Over all, I would try to mix things up a bit more, it would help the movie out quite a bit, especially since it has quite a few merits.