
208 Movie Reviews

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... that was pretty good, but I must make one criticism before the compliments: it was simply too repetitive. The problem lies not with the music, which certainly is repetitive (but not really a problem, since a lot of modern music is and we're all pretty much used to this kind of thing), and instead lies with the repeated use of the same animations, over and over again. It's ok for the first 3/4 of the movie, but afterwards it gets tiresome. My suggestion would be for you to take a look a Walk-Smash-Walk, a movie that is also incredibly repetitive, but thanks to the changing backgrounds and other subtle (or not so subtle) changes, is much more interesting.
Technically, the music was interesting and different, the drawings, whilst simple, where very well animated (and a big kudos by using a filmed sequence from CS and integrating it very well with the movie, even if the quality of the movie was somewhat poor) and it certainly was very well timed (the animation and music), which can be tough to accomplish. Over all, I would try to mix things up a bit more, it would help the movie out quite a bit, especially since it has quite a few merits.

StealthBeast responds:

lol kinda funny how people find the scenes repetative. the only scene that exactley repeats itself more then like 15 times is the scene of the guy w/ the UMP getting shot XD

Thanks for all the compliments, and the review itself!


... Well, you need to have a bit of knowledge on how the comic industry works, but if do, that was GREAT!! Really, REALLY funny (I wish could quote some of the lines, but that would ruin it for everyone else), your style of humor is simply brilliant, especially because you have excellent timing on your jokes (the Magneto and Quicksilver bit is a perfect example of this). Your style of drawing, while leading to simple animations, are nether less very good, because they accurately portrait the characters parodied. Finally, the voice acting is also very good which is why this deservers nothing less than a 10. Cheers and keep up the great work! =]


... that had great sense of timing (which is the hallmark of good humor!) and was pretty stylish too, specially because although you're clearly influenced by anime, you mix that with other influences that results in something quite original! Technically, very well drawn and animated (albeit, there isn't that much to animate) and nice use of music and sound effects. Finally, you really imitated the overall style of what a humoristic commercial would have, which was your intention. All in all, top grades form me! =]


... wow, that was actually quite good! I'm very impressed that you managed to get all that into flash and still make it only 36K! That's no mean feat. Technically, the drawings were good (the animation of the mammoth feet moving was somewhat poor on the other hand), with a surprising amount of detail, although it could really use some sound (a few simple effects such as a noise for when they move or some background music would really help). It also could do with greater depth (i.e. make it bigger), but, all in all, it succeeded in a tiny file size, small movie.


... well, that was pretty good. But, alas, because of Misteroo's extremely funny 8-bitch5, I didn’t really "laugh", because he covered the exact same events in his movie, which meant that most of the jokes had been seen quite recently (otherwise, despite what Misteroo says in a previous review, I find it highly unlikely that most people would remember jokes they read five years ago... I certainly wouldn't).
Still, it was well animated, improved voice acting and, most importantly, had those nifty extras you always like to put in Meddros, which made it a worthwhile view. However, I must admit that I always preferred your "vs" series Meddros, which I've always found extremely funny and original, so if want to take over TLF's work, do so by all means, but please, please, Please don't give up on your other work! To this day, Garland vs the Imps is still one of the funniest things there is out there in Newgrounds!


... dammit, Neil, you're rivaling with Weebl on who makes the most catchy music on Earth and currently the race is too close to call... Very much like Ebaumsworld, that had brilliant, absolutely brilliant and catchy music, great drawings and animations, oodles of style, was extremely funny... and it had plethora of pop / geek culture, including the Black Knight and Lo Pan (you get extra points just for making a movie with these two)! I'm mean, what else could a guy want?


... not a bad little parody. I mean, it obviously didn't take too much effort to accomplish and it isn't exactly "original", but it did bring a smile to my face (which, admittedly, isn’t so hard to achieve). Technically, it was well animated, with very precise timing between the animation and the sound, even if the drawings were very simple. It's strange really, normally I would probably be more critical of such a simple movie like this one, but because it’s well executed, I can't really find fault in it.

RupeeClock responds:

What parody dare I say, is totally original in it's own right?

Thanks for the advice, and I have no idea what the hell happened to your ''''''s...

it’s =/= it's


... Mein Gott! You actually finished it! <sound of jaw dropping>. I never, ever, Ever expected you to actually continue this huge series, although I was wished / hoped that you would do so. And now, finally, we'll get to know what will happen to the survivors and which side shall be victorious. The wait has paid off. On more technical side, that was probably your best FFF, with excellent animation and use of sprites, even better music and sounds and, most stunningly, an extraordinary "sweep effect" to change between scenes.
The only niggling detail that still bugs me, after all these years(!), is Cecil's untimely death&#8230;


... very nice movie. The animation was smooth, the drawing quality was a (large) step up from your previous movies, it had a general flow that was good (and it had the right length too), the music was nifty (and complemented the on-screen action well), the overall style of the movie was high and the message it tried to pass (or at least my interpretation) that life is more than just consuming things, was good.
But I must admit, while this was top-notch work, I like your old stuff better. In other words, I really, really miss the Mystic Island series, which is probably the most consistently funniest series Newgrounds has ever had. If you ever make more of them, I would really, really, really, (...) really be grateful. After all, it taught me the vitally important lesson that you must never, ever, be on an island with 13 guys, cause that&#8217;s just unlucky.

"You can know the name of a bird in all the languages of the world, but when you're finished, you'll know absolutely nothing whatever about the bird... So let's look at the bird and see what it's doing - that's what counts." Richard Feynman.

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