... I specialy liked the music, Bubble Bobble rox!!! =]
... I specialy liked the music, Bubble Bobble rox!!! =]
... well, to begin with, I'd like to make a small correction on Zeno's paradox. It is no longer a mystery (so to speak) and can be "solved" with a little knowgledge of Calculus. Roughly speaking, if we take the limit x->oo (x going to infite) in Zeno's paradox (or something like that, I don't remeber excatly), we see that indeed Achiles does reach the turtle at one point. Apart from that, this is a excelent movie. You go through the view points of many classic philosphers and propose your own viewpoint (which reminded me of another philosofical viewpoint, but I can't remember quite what) which although I don't agree completly (and cannot possibly express my own viewpoint in this limited space) was interesting and well thought. All in all, a great concept and a great execution. =]
Yes, with a limit, Achilles passes the tortoise. But, seeing from his earlier views upon time as infinite amounts of 'shots of stasis', the tortoise will always be ahead of Achilles.
... nice...
thanks for that immensly detailed review lol
... not the best clay animation out there, but a good efort anyway. Keep up the good work. =]
... honestly, there's nothing I can say...
... just brilhant...
... very nicely done. This is a pretty good fight engine and you could easily turn this into a full game.
... excelent movie. Nice sprites, nice animation and perfect timing on the humor. Just one thing, metroid fusion ROX! =p
I beg to differ. Metroid Fusion too me two days to complete. It was a waste of money. That god damn stupid computer told you what to do and where to go the whole game! Nintendo made it idiot proof, I miss the other metroid games where it says "Go destroy mother brain" or "kill all the metroids" then throws you into the middle of nowhere and lets you figure out what to do. But in Fusion, whats the point? the computer tells you what to do. so, its WAY too easy. Nintendo fucked up that time, and it wasen't a very strong story line either, introducing new characters like "Adam" Etc... Fusion was a desparate attempt to make another hit like Super Metroid, But, like with the GBA SP, Nintendo failed. Idiots. I love the classic games that have challenge, not these new games for this all new Stupid kids cant do anything for themselves generation. Fusion was good, yea, for when i need a game to play on the toilet. TOO easy, and the last boss and credits were pathetic. Oh and I may just parody Metroid Fusion sooner or later, so, Thanks for watching!
... I'm stunned... it's brilhant! I see it almost every time I log on to newgrounds...
"You can know the name of a bird in all the languages of the world, but when you're finished, you'll know absolutely nothing whatever about the bird... So let's look at the bird and see what it's doing - that's what counts." Richard Feynman.
Age 42, Male
Joined on 1/14/03